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Questions To Ask Yourself Before Learning to Code

Writer: Muthu Annamalai VenkatachalamMuthu Annamalai Venkatachalam

Updated: Jan 30, 2024

These days, many people are interested in learning how to code, but they don't know what to expect. If a programmer is good at what he or she does, they can make good money, but far too many people leap on the bandwagon without considering the consequences

A deceptive mantra has emerged in recent years that says anyone can pick up programming, therefore from all, everyone should learn leading programming languages

But that is not the truth. As a matter of fact, many programmers are overwhelmed by the learning process this is mostly because it's not what they expected. Consider these questions to keep from becoming overwhelmed.

1. What motivates you to learn this skill?

Learning a new skill when you don't know why you are learning it may leave you lacking motivation as things grow harder or more complex. When we pursue skills in this way, we need to know exactly where we're headed so we don't detour or get lost along the way. Explore your reasons for learning and then acknowledge them. This will help you to become more motivated to learn, and remind you of why you are studying it.

2. Are you good at solving problems?

Programming is all about solving problems. A successful programmer has an inner drive to create solutions and to fix things that are broken at the very core of the problem-solving process. Programmers are said to spend 10% of their time writing bugs and 90% of their time fixing them -- and anyone who has ever written a line of code can relate to that statement. Programming is the art of debugging, which is truer than you think.

Programmers who succeed are those who are self-driven enough to look for solutions when confronted with weird compiler errors, buggy code libraries, and confusing language features. A wonderful programmer is someone who not only spends hours solving a problem but is also unsatisfied unless it's solved.

3. What programming language to start with?

I don't think it matters! Beginners probably find Python, Ruby, JavaScript, or other languages easier to learn. There are also a number of similarities between the core concepts of most programming languages. In most cases, languages differ greatly in their syntax (the keywords, the structure, and the semantics) than in their underlying concepts.

Knowing the basics of any programming language makes learning another much easier.

4. What Would You Like to Create?

The majority of new programmers quit within their first year. People give up for a number of reasons, but the most important reason is feeling overwhelmed by the learning curve and becoming demoralized. There are hundreds of programming languages and areas to explore in the field of programming. It is possible to use dozens of different frameworks and libraries in each area.

Furthermore, these higher-level paradigms and patterns apply to a variety of situations. Because you can't learn everything, it's crucial that you choose what you want to pursue. Designers might not know how to develop websites, while AI engineers might not know how to develop mobile applications. So It's completely okay!. Figure out what you want to learn

5. What Is Your Comfort Level With Feedback

It can be difficult to receive feedback on your work, but it definitely enhances it. You probably realize the importance of receiving feedback when you are developing a new skill if you are open and willing to receive it. The risk of making the same mistake over and over again is high without feedback, yet some people prefer to learn without other perspectives.

Platforms like CodeCast, which provide directly tailored feedback to those who wish to get it, are great for those seeking feedback and participating in the learning process.

6. Do you have the desire and love to learn?

The field of software development is constantly evolving. Every day, there are new technologies, programming languages, hardware, and software. In the last 10-15 years, a number of major changes have occurred in the field of software development, including cloud computing, mobile apps, the internet of things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and autonomous driving. It is essential to continue learning throughout your career. Those who do not may find themselves behind the times.

7. Do you want to go long-term?

Programming is difficult. The whole process of programming can take a toll on your mental stamina not because it is difficult to learn to code (since it is not much more difficult than learning anything else) or because bugs are notoriously hard to solve (because most bugs are fairly straightforward). Almost all coding projects involve both planning and debugging, two processes that are a lot more mentally demanding than you might think. Projects are marathons of problems to be solved, and as those problems become more complex, it becomes easier and easier for one to sag under the weight of all of them.

The sheer amount of knowledge that you need to gain when learning how to program can feel like a mountain to you even though I just said it isn't particularly difficult. As a programmer, you're constantly coming up with new concepts, new paradigms, new languages, and new tools. It's a lot of fun, but also quite exhausting.

8. Being curious about knowing how things work

Being inquisitive is a great motivator. Software development may be a great match for those who want to know how things work. There are a lot of resources available for learning about software, so it is intriguing. Open-source developers are one of the greatest resources in this regard because they are willing to give away their code for free. You might be able to find a lot of clues about how to handle a difficulty you are fascinated about by examining how others have handled it.

9. Do you have the time to allocate for coding??

It takes a lot of time to learn to code. On your path, you will experience ups and downs as you grasp bits of knowledge and then doubt your abilities again. This is normal. Even the most experienced software developers suffer from imposter syndrome. If you stick with it and invest time in learning and practicing, you can make it happen.


Do you have the desire to learn programming then do check out our website and start your programming journey. All the best!!


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