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Best Resources To Learn Data Structures And Algorithms

Writer's picture: Muthu Annamalai VenkatachalamMuthu Annamalai Venkatachalam

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

The most important topics for programmers are Data Structures and Algorithms, and if you want to study them in 2024, you're in the right place. They're the most significant advantage is that they don't become outdated, and investing time and money in them will provide you with excellent returns for a long time. People who are great at Learning algorithms and data structures are often better programmers than others. They enhance your programming ability and coding instinct, and that's why I recommend that all types of programmers, from beginners to veterans, spend some time updating, refreshing, and honing their data structure and algorithm abilities.

They were first introduced to us in school and college, but we didn't understand them at the time. I can at least say that about myself. My engineering college first introduced me to arrays and linked lists. The questions we faced at that time were based on theoretical knowledge with no practical application, so I wasn't sure what the real use of an array and the linked list was.

It was easy to score well just by memorizing the difference between an array and a linked list, for example. Your college and school might have been better places to learn them, but that's a general pattern.

As the environment has become increasingly competitive, these critical concepts cannot be overlooked. Furthermore, you must be more proactive about learning than previous generations were.

Our world is becoming increasingly data-driven, so you need to know how to manage and organize data. Moreover, if you plan to become a software engineer or work in a related field, you need to have a thorough understanding of data structures and algorithms.

Those seeking to learn algorithmic thinking and data structures and searching for excellent courses to start their journey are in the right place. My goal in this article is to share the best courses on data structure and algorithm development for Java, Python, and JavaScript developers.

Let us get started

1. Data Structure

The course covers data structures in Java, their design, implementation, and analysis. In addition to arrays, linked lists, queues, and binary trees, the students will also learn about indexed lists and stacks. Because this course includes many application examples and does not place a heavy emphasis on formulas and mathematical proofs, it is a very good choice for students who enjoy math.

2. Graph Theory Algorithms

Because Graph algorithms are complex and difficult to learn and implement, many programmers, as well as online courses, shy away from teaching them. However, that's where they become important. The shortest route between cities and the routes taken by airlines are examples of real-world problems that can be solved using graphs. Fortunately, you have access to a free course that presents a complete overview of graph theory algorithms both in computer science as well as mathematics.

3. Algorithms Part 1

It's another excellent algorithmic course. You will be guided through the field of data structures, algorithms, and complexity analysis in this course. There are no language restrictions, and Java is used for calculations and solutions. There are two parts to the course, the first covering basic data structures, sorting, and searching algorithms, and the second covering graph and string algorithms.

4. Dynamic Programming

When answering complex coding questions during an interview, Dynamic Programming can be a helpful technique. While preparing for your job interview, you should be also familiar with programming techniques such as recursion, iteration, and dynamic programming besides data structures and algorithms. Students are exposed to many dynamic programming techniques that can be used to solve a variety of programming problems, such as Longest Increasing Subsequence, Sum Of The Range, and Share Market Analysis.

5. Data Structures in Java for Noobs (Lite Edition)

This course is entirely in Java language and it covers both singly and doubly-linked lists. You will be taught how to implement all linked list operations using Java, such as adding nodes, deleting nodes, and so on. Providing an overview of linked list data structures is the purpose of the course.

6. Introduction to DSA in java

There is no better course than this one on Java data structures and algorithms. This course offers a straightforward and excellent guide on how to implement the most up-to-date algorithms such as arrays, linked lists, graph algorithms, sorting, and so on. It will also cover binary trees, associative arrays, dictionaries, AVL trees, and red-black trees, along with heaps, a heapsort algorithm, and balanced trees.

Java developers who want to learn more about data structures and algorithms should join this course. Despite its comprehensive nature, it is also both exciting and challenging.

7. Data Structures in java

An introduction to data structures, algorithms, and complexity analysis will be presented in this online course. You will learn how to design, develop, and analyze basic data structures in this course. This course emphasizes intuition rather than formulas and mathematical proofs. It contains many practical examples. Through this course, you will get an introduction to "complexity analysis," which allows you to spot a poorly (and a well) performing program without having to execute it.

8. Data Structures in C

This online course teaches basic data structures in computer programming using algorithms and data structures. The C programming language is used to teach structures such as Stack, Queue, and Linked List. The primary goal is to illustrate how different data structures work to students and software engineers.


Those are a few of the free online courses on data structures and algorithms available. Taking these courses at your own pace can help you understand algorithms and data structures. Since these resources are free, they are not comprehensive, but they provide a good introduction. You can supplement your knowledge with a good book like Introduction to Algorithms after you have completed these courses. If you finish these courses, you should pick a good book like Introduction to Algorithms to further bolster your working knowledge of Data Structures

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