It's no secret that programming and developer communities are evolving at an accelerated pace. In recent years, several new programming languages and frameworks have emerged. These languages are suitable for different categories of developers (beginner, intermediate, and expert) and for different purposes (web applications, mobile applications, games, distributed systems, etc.).
It's important to know what types and levels of programming you should learn, as well as what coding languages are the best to learn if you're thinking of upgrading your skills and entering this highly sought-after area. That's what you'll learn here.
You can advance your career or change careers by learning a programming language. Because you will be investing a lot of money and time into learning the language, it is important that you choose wisely. While selecting a programming language, consider several factors, such as the degree of difficulty you wish to master, your existing language expertise, and the reasons you wish to learn that language.
The right programming languages are crucial whether you are trying to create a mobile application, obtain a programming certification, or learn a new skill. To help you out I have listed the programming languages which are in demand among employers in 2024.
1. Python
Object-oriented, flexible, and general-purpose, Python was created by Guido van Rossum 30 years ago. Many different types of applications use this technology, such as Instagram, Pinterest, Disqus, Uber, Reddit, Dropbox, Spotify, Google Search, Youtube, and many others. Because of this recruitment agencies are in constant need of programmers with this programming language.
2. Java
Currently, Java is used in more than 3 billion devices and is one of the most powerful programming languages. Currently, Java is a trending technology. This technology is used in applications ranging from desktop apps to mobile apps to web apps to artificial intelligence. Therefore, learning and mastering this technology will bring you insanely high salaries, amazing growth opportunities, and global recognition
3. JavaScript
Interactive front-end applications are often developed with JavaScript. JavaScript, for instance, is used when a pop-up appears when you click on a button. Nowadays, many organizations, usually startups, use NodeJS, a JavaScript-based runtime environment. With Node.js, developers are able to run scripts server-side to produce dynamic content for web pages before they are sent to the user's browser. Learning JavaScript is a great way to land that awesome tech job at your favorite workplace
4. Go
In 2007, Google developed Go, which allowed developers to build web apps and APIs. Go's growth rate may not be as high as those of the previously described languages, but it can still be considered highly sought after in the skills department. Simple, reliable, and efficient software can easily be written in this easy-to-learn, general-purpose programming language.
5. R
Data analysis and machine learning are two of the most popular uses of the R programming language. Machine learning algorithms can easily be developed using R due to their built-in libraries and framework. R is also suited for statistical computing. A person who aspires to join an analytics team at a large organization should learn this language.
6. Swift
Swift is an incredibly powerful programming language developed by Apple Inc. Apps for iOS, watchOS, macOS, and other platforms can be created using this tool. This will be the future of high-performance and secure applications. If iOS development sounds appealing to you, then you should study Swift. Sooner or later, it will become the most popular programming language on the planet.
Read More: Best C Projects For Beginners
7. PHP
PHP will continue to hold its importance as a general-purpose scripting language for the foreseeable future. This is one of the first server-side languages that can be embedded with HTML to make web pages more functional. PHP developers are highly sought after due to the increasing popularity of the internet. Learn PHP programming if you want to work as a backend developer for a reputable company.
8. C#
Microsoft's C# language is a general-purpose programming language. The C# programming language is used for back-end development, building games (with Unity), building mobile apps for Windows, and many other purposes. Learn C# programming language if you want to build desktop applications.
Statistic analysis tools such as MATLAB are used in a variety of industries. Additionally, MATLAB is widely used in the computer vision and image processing industries. For those who have a passion for machine learning, deep learning, and computational finance, as well as signal processing and communications, among many other fields, this is an excellent choice.
10. C
The language C is one of the earliest programming languages, from where other languages like JavaScript and C# are derived. C++ can be considered an extended version of C.
It is common to build a variety of applications with both languages due to their high performance. It is a universal language, so it can be compiled for most operating systems. Programmers appreciate its speed and efficiency. According to the TIOBE Index, C is the second most popular language behind Python.
11. Typescript
TypeScript is relatively new to top programming language lists, but it's gaining ground. This typed version of JavaScript was developed by Microsoft in 2012 and is well suited for large code bases. JavaScript-based projects can be written with TypeScript for both clients- and server-side use, preventing issues and catching errors.
12. Scala
The Scala programming language is a general-purpose, type-safe Java virtual machine language that combines a number of oop and functional programming languages into one high-level language. In large, complex applications, Scala is perfect for reducing and removing bugs. Object-oriented as well as functional programming can be done with it.
The programming language you choose to learn will be determined by your career goals. You shouldn't spend your time learning Java and C# if you want to dive into machine learning and deep learning. So choose what suits you. Every language is a powerful language. No one denies that fact. Want to learn programming languages in an efficient way with us.